Sunday, September 12, 2010

Detergent For Fleece North Faces

Bausparen for young people under 25 years

option savers

is the entry product in wealth creation - especially for
trainees and young professionals!

Why savers for young people important?

  • in the lives of young people are fundamentally changed. The school is over, the training begins, the first own-earned money ends up in the account.
  • A savings account is flexible. It can be any time to adjust to changing situations. With low monthly payments and free SAVE MONEY!
  • The state supports building society, with two equal premiums. Of these, due to the income limits especially benefit young people and trainees.
  • who already in training or already employees is who gets the boss can usually be something to wealth accumulation.

    • RECOMMENDATION: Even if the employer did not grant to the capital formation (VL) are, can benefit the workers of the state support. He just has to be agreed with the employer that a portion of salary as VL is paid into the savings account.
  • Bausparen offers security, especially during times of difficult economic conditions
  • savers is the first step to own property. Should not the dream be realized, are still funds available for another dream. form
  • With purchase savings assets - flexible, safe and profitable!

What government support to get young people?

9% employee savings bonus on capital formation (VL)

workers can create your VL on a savings account. Your employer often contributes significantly to it.
  • 1 Employee: up to 40 € per month or 480 € a year
  • two workers: a maximum of 80 € or 960 € a month every year
  • State grant: 9% per annum to a maximum of € 470 = € 42.30 per employee per year
  • The taxable income must not exceed € 17,900 / € 35,800 (single / married) be

8.8% premium on additional housing

own savings contributions as early as the 16th Age available. Funding contributions up to a height of:
  • Single: 43 € per month or 512 € a year
  • Married: 86 € per month or 1024 € per year
  • State grant: annual 8.8% to a maximum amount = € 45.06 per person
  • The taxable income allowed maximum (single married /) € 25,600 / € 51,200 be

The housing bonus:

Every young savers can benefit from starting at 16 years of state housing bonus.
The housing bonus, young savers a very big advantage: If it appears before the age of 25 Birthday complete a building society, they may over the balance - including the housing bonus - their savings agreement at the earliest after 7 years have once free. They are not tied to a residential use. This exemption can be claimed only once.

The employee savings bonus:

have already in training apprentices often claim to a collective saving schemes, paid by the boss. Then you get the deposit to a savings account the employee savings bonus.
Young people in particular benefit due to the lower income yet from this allowance.

Example calculation: Option savers with state funding

For young people under 25 years

VL = employee capital
WoP = housing bonus
ASZ = employee savings bonus
VL WoP 1 x 1 x VL WoP
Monthly Payment for WoP € 0 43 € 43 €
Monatliche Einzahlung für VL 40 € 0 € 40 €
Mindest-Bausparsumme 6.000 € 6.000 € 13.000 €
1,5% Zins p.a. + 2% p.a. Sonderzins € 434 € 467 € 901
Government funding € 296 € 315 € 611
savings after approx. 7 years € 4,090 € 4,394 € 8,485
annual return rd. 5% rd. 5% rd. 5%

inception 1.1;. 30 payments, acquisition fee of 1% of the savings will be paid separately. In the totals to promote saving for the last year is included. The loan is not used. The credit of the special interest is in a lump sum at termination or loan waiver until a period of 7 years. The special interest is the total return increases retroactive to 3.5% annually. Possible costs Compensation tax / surcharge and possibly church tax are not included. Stand 01.2009, changes in the legislature reserved.

More information about the option savers

home savings calculator

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Toronto Walk In Clinic Doctors Note

think about tomorrow today

Before laying the foundation to a house is, there must be funding. It is very important to think beyond the moment and always keep an eye on the follow-up financing.
If you build must not lose sight of the eradication

Who builds, realized a dream: This is the dream not a nightmare, should be considered in case of the financing of the morning. Even if building loan is currently cheaper than ever, one should not be tempted to take in more money than planned. Low interest rates and low repayments in fact allow the moment to keep the monthly payment by the loan under the Affordable, but who expects it might, in for a rude surprise. Finally, after the fixed interest period the outstanding balance will be funded again - and at the then current interest rate. As experience shows that each Zinstal ein Hoch folgt, kann das Zinsniveau in der Zukunft deutlich über dem heutigen liegen.

Restschuld beachten
Der Rat der HUK-COBURG-Bausparkasse : Beim Planen der Baufinanzierung also immer auch an die Restschuld denken. Dazu gehört, dass man bereits jetzt darüber nachdenkt, wie hoch die monatliche Belastung der Anschlussfinanzierung ausfallen könnte, wenn die momentan verabredete Zinsbindungsfrist einmal ausläuft. Für eine realistische Einschätzung sollte man darum die Höhe der verbleibenden Restschuld genau kennen.

Zweiprozentige Tilgung ratsam
Eine solide Finanzierung sollte bei dem jetzigen niedrigen Zinsniveau mindestens eine zweiprozentige Tilgung beinhalten: Warum, erklärt ein Blick auf die Zahlen. Wer 200.000 Euro aufnimmt und monatlich zwei Prozent mit einer Rate von 1.000 Euro tilgt, muss bei einem Darlehenszins von vier Prozent nach zehn Jahren eine Restschuld in Höhe von 136.200 Euro finanzieren, während sich die Restschuld bei einer Tilgung von einem Prozent mit einer Monatsrate von 833 Euro noch auf 160.200 Euro beläuft.

Ein Blick auf die spätere Anschlussfinanzierung ist noch aussagekräftiger: Steigt der Darlehenszins in zehn Jahren zum Beispiel auf sieben Prozent an, ist mit einer Restschuld von 136.200 Euro bei unveränderter Rate eine Anfangstilgung von 1,8 Prozent möglich. Beträgt die Restschuld dagegen noch 160.200 Euro, steigt die monatliche Exposure to 1,068 €, and this despite that still paid off even with the follow-on funding only one percent. Clear that one can forget his debt to two percent faster eradication.

constant interest loans guaranteed security
But after the issue of outstanding debt, up financing and interest rates leads past a funding method: the constant loans. In contrast to the previously mentioned annuity data show a constant interest rate loans by a total security and at the end of the term is repaid. In addition, as the amount of the monthly payment from the start to be changed. Thus offers the HUK-COBURG constant loans with Terms of up to 32 years. For this form of financing also speaks: They often cost little more than the conventional annuity. However, you should before you decide to compare well.